Dry flowers are good demand in India and foreign markets. These flowers are exported to America, Japan and Europe.

Dry flowers are not only the parts of the flowers, but also the bark, the seeds and the shikhara.

Dry flowers and plants exported from India worth Rs 100 crore annually. In this industry, 500 varieties of flowers are exported to 20 countries.

Handmade paper, lamp shades, candle holders, stitches, photo frames, boxes, books, wall cages, topiley, cards and many presents are used.

 Using dry flowers to produce these objects increases their appearance and beauty.

Technology in dry flower manufacturing Roots for dry floweringThere are two major components for dry flowering Best time to cut flowers for drying:

The flowers should be cut in the morning after the dew is dried. After cutting, bind them with rubber bands, and change them from sunlight and sunburns.

Sun drying is easy and cost-effective. But in the rainy season, it can not be dried. Flower bundles hang upside down on ropes or bamboo tie.Chemicals should not be used. There is a need for good ventilation

This way it is more likely to have fungal infections. Freeze Drying: This is a better method than drying sunlight

The equipment for this is expensive. But the quality of the flowers is high and the price is good.

Uses blotting paper or regular paper The flowers will flare up and there will be much more damage.
Glycerin Method: Glazer is filled with moisture from the flowers In this method, high quality products are available Policet Polymer:

Dry flowers by spraying polyester polymer. In this method, drying time is short Increases the color of the finished product Silicon Dryers

Using silica or silicone gel, you can improve the quality of the flowers and the flowers will be secure.
Very, soft and thin flowers are dried in this way.


Flowers are the best of the "presian" type. Mix 4 kg of dye and mix it with 20 liters of water.
Add this mixture to 800 liters of water and dilute it.

Add 2 liters of acetic acid. Adding magnesium chloride to very soft flowers increases color.
Soak the flowers in this solution until the color is taken.